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Donate to Save Manatees

They Depend On Us: Donate to Save Manatees

Affectionately dubbed the sea cow, manatees are a unique and unfortunately endangered sea creature. That also means that they need our help. In all fairness, we as in "us" as the human race, have a significant role to play in the threats posed to manatees today. These are only a few reasons to donate to save manatees and to try and make amends for what we have done as a civilization.

While our advances, resorts, manufacturing structures, and other impacts on sea and ocean waterfronts have been amazing to behold, they have also been amazingly harmful to creatures like manatees. By working with Manatee Haven and choosing to donate to save manatees, people not only stop being part of the problem but can also start to help by becoming part of the solution.

Saving the Manatee doesn't mean we can no longer build waterfront resorts or oceanfront properties. It does mean, however, that we can choose to do so in a more responsible and ethical manner. Thank you for visiting Manatee Haven, where we are dedicated to not only fixing what we have helped to break but making it better for everyone too - including the manatees.

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